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The DOM (document object model) is a tree like data structure representing the web page displayed by the browser. PyScript interacts with the DOM to change the user interface and react to things happening in the browser.

There are currently two ways to interact with the DOM:

  1. Through the foreign function interface (FFI) to interact with objects found in the browser's globalThis or document objects.
  2. Through the pydom module that acts as a Pythonic wrapper around the FFI and comes as standard with PyScript.


The foreign function interface (FFI) gives Python access to all the standard web capabilities and features, such as the browser's built-in web APIs.

This is available via the pyscript.window module which is a proxy for the main thread's globalThis object, or pyscript.document which is a proxy for the website's document object in JavaScript:

Accessing the window and document objects in Python
from pyscript import window, document

my_element = document.querySelector("#my-id")
my_element.innerText = window.location.hostname

The FFI creates proxy objects in Python linked to actual objects in JavaScript.

The proxy objects in your Python code look and behave like Python objects but have related JavaScript objects associated with them. It means the API defined in JavaScript remains the same in Python, so any browser based JavaScript APIs or third party JavaScript libraries that expose objects in the web page's globalThis, will have exactly the same API in Python as in JavaScript.

The FFI automatically transforms Python and JavaScript objects into the equivalent in the other language. For example, Python's boolean True and False will become JavaScript's true and false, while a JavaScript array of strings and integers, ["hello", 1, 2, 3] becomes a Python list of the equivalent values: ["hello", 1, 2, 3].


Instantiating classes into objects is an interesting special case that the FFI expects you to handle.

If you wish to instantiate a JavaScript class in your Python code, you need to call the class's new method:

from pyscript import window

my_obj ="some value")

The underlying reason for this is simply JavaScript and Python do instantiation very differently. By explicitly calling the JavaScript class's new method PyScript both signals and honours this difference.


The Standard Web APIs are massive and not always very user-friendly. PyDom is a Python modue that exposes the power of the web with an easy and idiomatic Pythonic interface on top.

While the FFI interface described above focuses on giving full access to the entire Standard Web APIs, pydom focuses on providing a small, intuitive and yet powerful API that priotirizes common use cases fist. For this reason, it's first layer is simple and intuitive (but limited to the most common use cases), but pydom also provides a secondary layer that can be used to directly use full FFI interface of a specific element.

It does not aim to replace the regular Web [Javascript] API nor to be as wide and offer feature parity. On the contrary, it's intentionally small and focused on the most popular use cases while still providing [a backdoor] access to the full JS API.

Pydom draws inspiration from popular Python APIs/Libraries known to be friendly and easy to learn, and other successful projects related the web as well (for isntance, JQuery was a good source of inspiration).


PyDom is currently a work in progress.

We welcome feedback and suggestions.

Core Concepts

Pydom builds on topic of very few and simple core concepts:

  • Element: any component that is part of a web page. This is a rough abstraction of an HTMLElement. In general, pydom elements always map to an underlying HTML Element in a we page
  • ElementCollection: a collection of one or more Elements. It is a rough abstraction of a HTMLCollection.
  • Querying: a method to query elements on a page based on a selector. Pydom supports standard HTML DOM query selectors to locate DOM elements as other native JavaScript methods like querySelector or querySelectorAll.

Following, we'll look into each one of these aspects a bit more in detail.


pydom Element is simply just an abstraction of a tranditional Element in a web page. Every Element always maps to an underlying JavaScript Element in a web page. These 2 elements are always in sync and any change of state in one is reflect into the other.

Creating a new element

New elements can be created by using the pydom.create method and passing the type of element being crated. Here's an example of what it looks like:

(To execute and explore the following code, click on the "load" button. The result will be conveniently displayed in the box on the below of the code example)

from pyweb import pydom

# Creating an element directly from pydom creates an unbounded element.
new_div = pydom.create("div")

# Creating an element from another element automatically creates that element
# as a child of the original element
new_p = new_div.create("p", classes=["code-description"], html="Ciao PyScripters!")

# elements can be appended to any other element on the page
Result will go here

For more details about pydom.create please refer to its reference documentation.

Setting the content of an element

The Element interface offers 2 main ways to set an element content: the html and the content attributes:

  • content: sets the innerHTML field via the PyScript display function. This takes care of properly rendering the object being passed based on the object mimetype. So, for instance, if the objects is an image, it'll be properly rendered on the element
  • html: directly sets the innerHTML field of the underlying element without attemnpting any conversion.

In general, we suggest using content directly as it'll take care of most use cases without requiring any extra logic from the user.

Changing the element style

Elements have a style attribute that can be used to change the element style rules. The style attribyte can be used as a dictionary and, to set a style rule for the element, simply set the correct key on the .style attribute. For instance, the following code changes the background color of the element just created in the example above:["background-color"] = "yellow"

to remove a specific style key, simply use the pop method as you'd to to remove a key from a dictionary:"background-color")

In addition to the dictionary interface to explicitly set CSS rules, the style attribute also offers a convenient visible property that can be use show/hide an element. = False

Other useful aspects of the Element API

  • append: method to append a new child to the element.
  • children: list of the children of the element.
  • value: allows to set the value attribute of an element.
  • clone: method that creates a clone of the element. NODE: The clone elements will not be attached to any element.
  • show_me: method to scroll the page to where the element is placed.


Element Collections represent a collection of elements typically returned from a query. For instance:

paragraphs = pydom['p']

In the example above, paragraphs is an ElementCollection that maps to all p elements in the page.

As any collections, ElementCollection can be used to iterate over a collection of elements or to pick specific elements or slices of elements in the collection. For instance:

for element in paragraphs: 

# let's now display only the last 2 elements
for element in paragraphs[-2:]:

Interacting with an ElementCollection

Besides from allowing operations as an iterable object, ElementCollection objects also offer a few convenient methods to directly interact with th elements in the collection. For instance, it's possible to ask for specific attributes of the elements in the collection directly:


The example above displays a list with the value of the html attribute for all the elements in the paragraphs collection.

The same way we can read attributes, we can also set an attribute directly in the collection. For instance, you can directly set the html content of all the elements in the collection

# This will change the text of all H1 elements in the page
pydom['h1'].html = "That's cool :)"

or perhaps change their style['background-color'] = 'lightyellow'

ElementCollection currently support the following attributes:

  • style: just like in Element, this proxy attribute can be used to change the style of the elements in a collection by setting the proper CSS rules, using style with the same API as a dictionary.
  • html: allows to change the html attribute on all the elements of a collection.
  • value: allows to change the value attribute on all the elements of a collection.